
Books should be FUN to read!

At Books by MarvinFUN is the guiding principle.  I offer books calculated to bring a smile to a child’s face while subtly exposing him/her to traditional family values.  My books never preach.  I let the books’ characters do the talking and let them, and my readers, learn that, as the comic page character, L’il Abner, used to say, “Good is better than Evil, because it’s nicer.” My characters may find they are challenged, but they learn FOR THEMSELVES that doing the right thing – like listening to their parents, or counting the blessings they have rather than dwell on what others can do – helps them feel good about themselves.

New Release!

August 2020

Discovering the Caregiver Within Us

In a single day, my wife’s stroke changed how we approached everyday life. Discovering the Caregiver Within Us is about how I made caregiving work.

Learn more about the story behind Discovering the Caregiver Within Us by clicking here.